CVS IO Leaflet: EN | BG | ES | IT | NO | RO
Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture
Volume 1: Context, concepts and model
Volume 2: Descriptors of competences for democratic culture
Volume 3: Guidance for implementation
© Council of Europe.
For noncommercial use.
Project partners
“Ivan Vazov” School – Mezdra, BULGARIA
“Giuseppe Cirincione” School – Bagheria, ITALY
“Slettebakken” School – Bergen, NORWAY
“Nicolae Orghidan” School – Brasov, ROMANIA
“Manuel Foguet” School – Vinaros, SPAIN
Useful links
Italian National Agency INDIRE
Information about the development of the RFCDC and the political context within which the framework was developed can be accessed here.
Council of Europe’s Education Department online learning portal
The Council of Europe’s Youth Department (which is responsible for non-formal education as opposed to formal education) has produced some excellent resources. Many of these can also be used in formal education, and are available here.
Additional education resources available through the online library of the European Wergeland Centre
More resources will be added throughout the project.